Saturday, September 1, 2007

shes literate... most days

there have been few and more so on the non creative side of posts lately and for this i am sorry. all i can say is my reasoning is that ive been a little on the stressed out side and i would rather not use this for venting. it probably wouldnt have made any sense but looked more like mere aimless jibber jabber, so ive spared you really. for this you should be thankful.

but for the fact that its the first of september and im making a few goals (i.e. :calling those family members and friends that probably think im dead, (except that mom is probably tired of hearing from me -she was the reciprocal for my frustration the two weeks past) getting a better revamped attitude for my science filled class load this semester, and getting a better record of my expenses) for myself for the start of a new month... i see it only fit to start it off with a post.

guess who took a night off from work last night? yep... and it was splendid. working every weekend each year adds new meaning to a free for whatever you want to do friday night. i had actually planned the day off a month ago, so karrie and i could go to a coffee shop in spartanburg and listen to heart happy music. i wish we could do that once a week. i think it would truly be worth it. theres something about just sitting in an underground coffee house with friends while you listen to live music, thats hard to explain yet unmistakably healing.
we may have gotten a little lost, because apparently there are two church streets in spartanburg. one (that we needed to be on) that is downtown where everything happens and another that is about the length of a football field -and nowhere near where you think your body should occupy. although on this church street you will find cowboys. or at least the attire. so since we got a little sidetracked we missed out on the first segment of music by austin crane which saddened me greatly because i am a big fan. but we definitely got to hear mr mike mewborne and his "manly few"of mikey mew and the lovely few this of course was worth the trip. taking more trips like that would be more beneficial to my health i am sure of it.

ah, back to the literacy notion.
other than the many books demanding scholarly attention from me for my science filled classes this semester which i refuse to list here because i am sure you really have no desire to know what they are anyway...
im scattered across a few books trying to read them. although i really have little time to spare to properly spend with them, i find myself practically running to them because just like being at the coffee shop last night or even going to the gym, the books provide a sort of escape filled with calm, so as often as i can fight a headache off, instead of taking a nap i sit down to read. although im not sure if dipping into a few at a time is really the best approach i can justify it...
1. The Screwtape Letters i cant tell you how long i have had this book and how many times i have picked it up to read it and not gotten through it. its a little hard to read, not because the reading level is too hard but because theres just so much in each little letter. so you see its necessary to take breaks. and i take breaks with...
2. Praise Habit Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi this being by David Crowder, and you know i cant deny that i was drawn to it by the sheer fact that it has sushi in its title. and then there's
3. Captivating i started this book back in the summer and unfortunately was not able to finish it. because i used the library system and as i was in west virginia... had to return it before i was done because i moved back to south carolina. but i got my used copy via amazon (which is a serious addiction for me... buying used books from this site , ingenious) this week so of course ive started on it too.
after agreeing to disagree last night over the fact that we didnt see eye to eye about how significant the book Through Painted Desserts by Donald Miller was to our lives a friend told me that we got out of books what we put into them. that our experiences and needs in our current situation would make the book we bury ourselves in either a good read or a bad one (in not so many or more words) this made a lot of sense to me. and as i feel very scattered over my life right now... im more than okay with experiencing three different books along with it.

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