Tuesday, February 19, 2008

bikes, sandwiches, wednesdays, and peru?

my dear readers this post shall again include/be related to food.
i promise that its not on my mind ALL the time. only three +
times a day. you can interpret the (+) however you want. but in my defense i write mostly involving food topics because other than my daydreamings of food making, my life is fairly hum drum.


well except for yesterday ...i was riding my bike to class and well, i passed this little old man in a fluorescent orange sweatshirt, riding a bike as well. only to start going up this small but long incline.. and realized that this trip was quite different since i had a laptop in my bag and thus SO much heavier... and realize my knees were so weak i was barely moving. yeah, probably needless to say that the old man not only caught up to but nearly passed me. im sure laughing at my expense all the same. ah, but i made it. my shoulders hate me now, and im not trying that again, i shall be a frequenter of the computer labs from now on out. with headset in hand. so i dont have to listen to the guy behind me watching a baseball game while im trying to write my paper.


anyhow so food. i am not quite as talented as gillian and her making bagels from scratch hobby. (although you are going to have to teach me lady, dont forget it) but i do like to dabble in this and that. and for hopefully the rest of the semester i will have the privilege of having a lunch date on wednesdays with my new found friend Melody. im pretty darn excited about this established lunch time, especially since we go to chapel beforehand together, so all the more motive for me to get my chapel credits in. its a win win situation really. and melody is flippin awesome, so you see its quite fun. i suggest you go on and find a wednesday lunch friend for yourself as well. although it doesnt necessariloy have to be a wednesday, but i suggest you share a meal together. and i suggest that one of you or both of you make it. because that makes it all the more fun. this is what said awesome melody and i are doing. and tomorrow its my turn to bring the goods. and i gotta keep up with her utterly cool idea of bringing frozen grapes.

and now i have saved my favorite news for last. today, in my snazzy gmail inbox i received an email official invitation to join SALI with Peru Mission in Trujillo. i wish i knew how to express to you how excited and also how thankful i am for this. i will let you imagine what a party in my brain looks like for yourself, and spare just giving you the details.
so i shall spend one more night of prayer and consideration which will probably be more of a thanking and praising God session because i had been waiting for a clue to drop. i know this is going to sound a little like i am making this up, but i promise im not. but just last night i had a conversation with my wonderful rommate rachel about peru and life in general. i was starting to have a little bit of anxiety because i felt that God was pointing me in the direction of Peru, i just hadnt heard any concrete affirmation and so i was starting to get a little anxious. and i really realized, and told rach, i have no idea what i would do if i couldnt go to peru. it really has a hold of me that much. and rachel helped me to see that this fact in itself even is evidence of God leaving. i can't believe that He would give me a passion and desire to serve him there and then keep me in anderson wondering what the next step is for another year. i think that during the time i was waiting i was really forced to see that, and not just take the privilege of going for granted. so, family, friends, there is still alot to do between now and then, and i would really appreciate your prayers for wisdom and guidance for the process because i admit, it scares me, a bit. and i also pray that you would look at your own life, and the current situation God has you in, be it one you have worked toward or one you dont understand why you have to endure, and just take a minute to ask God to help you live it authentically, and in accordance with his will, even if you dont understand it, because he does.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

YAAAAAAAY! We're going to making bagels in Peru Together!!!!!!

Also, I'll be your Peruvian wednesday lunch date....except we eat at a missionary's house every wednesday, so we maybe have to change the day. Tuesdays are good for me, what do you think, Peruvian Julie? I suppose we can work out the details later.

Can't wait until you get down here friend. I love you and miss you and I'm praying for you!