Tuesday, February 12, 2008

a bit of this, and a bit of jack

Jack Johnson's new album is simply, beautiful.
I am convinced that his music is timeless. Its never going to get old, and I am never going to hate it. And the more stuff he puts out, the more I fall in love.

this is the year of the chick pea.

or at least i can speak for myself. i am just nearly convinced that the chick pea, or garbanzo bean if you will, can be added to any homemade dish. especially those intended for consumption in the evening hours. random vegetable concoctions, in pasta salads, in soups, in veggie friendly chilies, on sandwiches via hummus. its quickly climbing the ladder of my favorite food item.
i made this AMAZING (amazing!!) vegetable chili not too long ago that involved butternut squash, which in case you didnt know, is an adventure in and of itself, even to cut; red peppers and various other things including chick peas. it was beautimous. i would post the recipe but i would probably get sued for copyrighting. although i could sight the source.. we'll see in the future.

today i did not have two of my classes, so since i spent the better part of yesterday in the library, i decided to spend the better part of my morning in the kitchen. ive been seeing lots of tasty things that i want to try on this site : http://www.101cookbooks.com/ and i tried some chocolate chip cookies, but they didnt turn out so hot. of course im not going to let that stop me so be sure you will hear more about that venture in the future to come. this morning, i tackled hummus. i was a little scared, and we dont really have a food processor which is nearly more key than the ingredients in making it. but we do have this hand held food processor type deal which of course i tried. it was interesting. i made more of a mess than anything at first (but then, when dont i) but eventually got the hang of it and now i have homemade hummus for some of the many sandwiches i seem to be on a kick in making lately.

it's also come to my attention how random my music interests are lately. last week i bought my first "rap" album, although i dont know that i would really label this guy as a rapper. it sounds very reggae, i mean he is from jamaica (i think). anyway i bought it at best buy. i felt like a horrible impersonator in the check out line. i mean seriously, i though i hope either no one sees me buying this or if they do they strike up conversation with me so they see the humor in how obvious it is that this is my first album as such. well, no said conversation was held. but this time i didnt object to them bagging my one item.

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