Wednesday, July 15, 2009


became a member of the Larco church this past weekend. :D
he's a student of English, a friend, and looks after me like a brother. 
calls me mana (short for hermana which is spanish for sister) 
it was/these are happy days. 


It doesn't matter what culture you are in,
 you can always find a teenager that thinks he's too cool for photos. 

Monday, July 6, 2009

in peru when you order a sandwich there are soooo many kinds of condiments to choose from. it's pretty crazy. mostaza (mustard) ketchup (um, ketchup) mayonesa (mayonnaise) aceituna (olive) and aji (spicy peruvian pepper) plus im sure more than i dont know about. 

and, there of course as in any big city, is plenty of graffiti to discover.