t-shirts... fabric paint... stencils.... rulers... scissors...that can only mean one thing!
where can you find the words peru, julie, recycled, and a hip picture of a llama all within one frame of view you ask? well i will tell you! im working on a shirt for fundraising purposes. and the makings have begun my friends. all you upper body clothing wearers out there, you are going to want one of these. and your friends are going to want one too. and your great aunt ellie doesnt want to feel left out either. she has a soft spot in her heart for fluffly llamas.
granted this is the beginning, i am just getting you all the heads up. this is how i picture it:
[front] "helping send Julie to Peru...."
[front left side/part of back] picture of llama (as seen above)
[back] "...and recycling too"
or something along those lines anyway.
recycling you may be asking yourself?
well, i shall tell you. im assuming you probably know me pretty well, if you dont then here is your heads up. that i love to recycle and and i love me some thrift stores. and honestly, i get more compliments on things i get from thrift stores than from stuff ive gotten off department shelves. its easier to find yourself, or at least your unique self within a rack of variety than on a shelf of buy 2 get the 3rd half off, and end up with three shirts the same shape but different shades of purple. [but hey im not knocking those sales.. old navy tanks are some of my best friends]
anyway so the shirt.
i think the idea really reflects my personality and i hope you guys like it.
im buying t shirts, some plain, and some with graphics on them, in different sizes...
and recycling them! im making stencils of llamas to put as pictured above, and fabric painting them as well as words to make a unique reused shirt. plus since they are pretty cheap for me to make, i dont have to charge you guys much for them. im not sure what i am going to ask for them yet. but... i am excited about them! hope you are too! if you have any suggestions, please give me a heads up, i am totally open to them. for support raising in general as well as with the shirts.