Wednesday, January 31, 2007

she gets confused for southern.

but it must just be because shes so sweet... hehe.

so im participating in this flu study vaccination research... because i am a poor college student and they pay you. its a pretty sweet situation really. i got a shot and had a fifty fifty chance of either getting the placebo or the new flu shot. the only annoying, but pretty simple, thing i have to do is tell this 'call center' each week whether or not i feel sick. this morning i got my weekly call, which always comes while i am in class so i always have to call them back. would say thank goodness its an 800 number except i have a cell phone, still uses my minutes so it doesnt help me out any.
so, im on the phone with this lady and i really dont have to say much, just enough so she can figure out my identity. and before we hang up she says "and i can really tell you are from south carolina" it caught me off guard, ive never been told that before [perhaps because everyone knows im not from here, she saw the address and assumed] so, since i said very very few words, and ones that really wouldnt pick up any dialect at that; im deciding that she picked up on my innocent personality since i called her ma'am. lol

in other news; i had a near epiphany experience the other night [while i was brushing my teeth] about this tattoo idea. i had kind of been shrugging it off lately because i couldnt make up my mind and i was being too indecisive so i decided it must not be the right time. so. i figured out a word. i figured out where i want it. and it has a pretty enormous amount of personal significance. so im thinkin this one is a keeper. [i wanted to leave at one in themorning and go get it, too bad writing a paper was holding me back; oh and the fact that there wouldnt have been a shop open.] so the word is: grace. coming from the first part of 2Corinthians 12:9. of which says "My grace is sufficent for thee". so im wanting the greek form of grace. maybe about a half inch tall, inch and a half long, on my -left- wrist.
i had been feeling not so great lately and it reminded me of what i went through in high school. all that mess and the stuff i brought on myself. and i thought you know, it doesnt matter. because no matter how big i screw up, Christ is right there to say, youre not perfect, im perfect. and i may not be able to measure up to being anything near worthy of Gods love, but Jesus steps in and says you know what... i got you convered. and man thats a good feeling. so thats the significance of putting it on my left wrist. becaues there are all these scars there, and it may still be a little bit of a sensitive subject for me, but im not embarrassed by it.
mind you no way am i condoning what i did to myself or am i saying that im glad it happen. im only reminding myself that ive been forgiven. and ive accepted that its part of what makes me Julie.

this morning the lyrics have been derek webb. sometimes it takes me a little while to get into a band. i will buy a cd and set it aside for three weeks or longer, then eventually pick it up and listen to it for a month straight. appraently i just like to get acquainted with the cover first. so thats what happen with this music. sort of.

politics or love
can make you blind or make you see
make you a slave or make you free
but only one does it all

and it’s giving up your life
for the ones you hate the most
it’s giving them your gown
when they’ve taken your clothes

it’s learning to admit
when you’ve had a hand in setting them up
in knocking them down

love is not against the law
love is not against the law

are we defending life
when we just pick and choose
lives acceptable to lose
and which ones to defend

‘cause you cannot choose your friends
but you choose your enemies
and what if they were one
one and the same

could you find a way
to love them both the same
to give them your name

love is not against the law
love is not against the law


~marie said...

so i've been out of town & i'm just getting to read. i haven't caught up yet,but it looks great! yay!

~marie said...

now, i just read this post all the way through. i love the idea of the GRACE reminder- i could use it myself. i have such a hard time remembering that i am forgiving.
love that whole webb cd-my fav is mockingbird...