Tuesday, May 29, 2007

shes almost regrouped

the past couple of weeks have been in such contrast to one another. in so many ways, but perhaps an obvious one... i dont think i ever really realized how green west virginia is. after coming from trujillo where there is so much sand, driving home last week was almost eye opening, well, that and i felt like i was in a small scale bob ross painting.

we had a truly amazing time in peru. i dont want to try to make a list because i dont want to try to narrow down and define everything that i was so privelaged to be a part of. a few of my favorite moments though.. (of course)
a favorite memory from the first couple of days are a combination of getting off the plane in lima, are group paused before going through customs (im still not real sure why, except that there was a big line and we were waiting on the line to go down) so a peruvian officer approaches us and asks us if there is a reason we werent going through the line, he said "what, you are having second thoughts about entering my country?" this was then followed by our unforgettable nine and a half hour wait that night in the lima airport on our next flight to trujillo. we werent allowed to check in yet which meant that we couldnt get to the comfy seats but instead waited in the cafe on seemingly miniature aluminum seats. we tried our best to sleep, but got shuffled around as they were mopping the floors.

next (chronologically, not by personal importance) we had a fairly small group from what i understand, but im pretty glad we did. there really wasnt any drama and our group seemed to get along well. im very thankful that i got a chance to hang out with them, and especially kelly and bailey (as they were the only other girls on the trip) as i got to know them a lot better than i did previously. us girls bonded i think, in our stale three bed room placed strategically over a room containing a man that was a smoker, a cougher, and a hard core snorer. and over our task of sanding and painting the lobby of the church we were working in. and having twenty minutes each day between construction work and evening activities for the three of us to share a bathroom and get clean for the night. then there were the taxi rides, if you ever feel that you need to get to know someone a little better, or skip an awkward period in a friendship, take them for a taxi ride in ol peru, it will fix you right up. you will be so amazed and thankful that you are both alive and at your destination that you wont even remember that you werent best friends previously.

well, there are a few memories, more to come.. this is going to be a segmented post.
tune in next time to learn about ceviche, peruvian getting to know the gringos games, and much much more.


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