although a mild or perhaps more rationally a severe addiction to coffee in college students is prominent.. my coffee addiction has excelled to new heights with only three weeks into this new year.
as i type in fact i am savoring a cup of joe plus some sugar plus some half and half. because thats the only way to go. unless you like to get all fancy like add some chocolate syrup and whip up some sweet cream to put on top. this is another way to go. another delicious way to go i might add. but today its just joe straight up comfortable everyday style. in an avocado colored mug that reminds me of friendly old men that always have either some candy or some witty joke that you dont quite understand but brings an appropriate smile while you are laughing ever so honestly. like my great uncle Garland. yes this is his name, and i think it is amazing. actually i think he owns one if not several a mug just like the one i hold right now. actually now that i give it even more thought i might have gotten it while out hopping yard sales with my grandmother her sister and the man himself. huh, bout that.
so, today i acknowledge my heightened need for hot beverages... chocolate (that i made with my grandmother whom deserves a blog devoted to her all herself because she is so utterly amazingly awesome)...and occasionally tea. i usually drink tea when i feel like using words like savour for savor, flavour for flavor, and colour for color. because when i drink tea i think its ever so cool to pretend to be trendy and use british words that mean the same thing but spell check tells me i am spelling them wrong.
i hope you yourself are having a splendid monday. because im enjoying how i yet again forgot that my monday class starts at 2:30 not 2:00 like i keep thinking. thus giving me another thirty minutes of bliss.
Monday, January 21, 2008
she is nearly addicted to coffee. or any hot beverage really.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
she favors music through headphones.
I like to listen to music through headphones.
Even when I am sitting in an empty apartment in the middle of the day when there is no darkness that gives the impression that you need to hush.
I especially like to listen to music through headphones when I am trying to concentrate. Example: reading a textbook.
Thus; I like to listen to music through headphones when I am at a library studying. The dull silence with random out of no where high and low thrashes of sound is/are incredibly distracting.
Music through headphones is a comforting atmosphere for library work.
And thank you Marie, I am falling ever more in love with Sufjan.
(Souf [le] + Yawn) ;-) I thank you.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Recapping the Christmas Beauty Part 1
My last Christmas break for my undergrad college career was pretty amazing if not the most amazing to date. Well, with the exception of that Christmas when my grandpa gave me a motorized rideable blue truck ( he either thought i was a boy with a weird name and a fetish for pig tails; or was helping me get in touch with my inner tomboy... i choose the latter) although driving that beast back through the snow drenched yard between his house and ours to fall asleep in wait of the santa i still had hopes for... this Christmas' rankings are running neck and neck to that experience.
One of the things that I learned from the break, is how so much a part of my life has changed. Last year God brought seven beautifully unique girls into my life. I now get to still live with one, but the others pretty much picked up and flew to the ends of the earth since they all graduated and left Rach and I alone to finish up college outhouseless. This Christmas break I got to spend a lot of time with several of them and it really made me appreciate their friendship so much more. Not that I wasn't already aware of how much their absence struck my heart with loneliness.. but getting to see them... was like getting a tasty fill of comfort southern comfort food. minus the chicken and the grease. Basically they are my baked sweet potatoes.
But enough with the food.
Lets start a photo recap shall we?
Part 1:My first real Christmas tree!! We got a tree for our apartment, and decorated it with Gingerbread ornaments.. and letters we each painted for each others names and a Japanese star for the top!
To start the traveling.. I left Anderson with Cassie to get to Diana and a surprise Melissa in Athens to hit the road to spend time with Gillian in the Atlanta airport while on a layover before she headed to Colorado. We had Christmas in the middle of the airport (Gillian brought everyone back scarves!! and the ironically all matched our outfits) as bypassers watched or possibly stared impressed at our knack for laughing hysterically while carrying on up to dating conversations. Gillian missed registering her bags by two minutes due to technical failures on the ... technical side. and was forced to stay in the airport a few more hours with us. After she got on her way, the four of us headed back to Athens to spend the next morning taking in the Athens Diana has come to live in, and to find our way to Hope the next evening for Dinner at Miyabi's (Hibachi). Of course more fun was spilt and enactments of swords being pulled from sheaths demonstrated.. to end the night at starbucks watching Diana demonstrate how to gracefully fall.
uh huh. and that was just the beginning...