Monday, January 21, 2008

she is nearly addicted to coffee. or any hot beverage really.

although a mild or perhaps more rationally a severe addiction to coffee in college students is prominent.. my coffee addiction has excelled to new heights with only three weeks into this new year.
as i type in fact i am savoring a cup of joe plus some sugar plus some half and half. because thats the only way to go. unless you like to get all fancy like add some chocolate syrup and whip up some sweet cream to put on top. this is another way to go. another delicious way to go i might add. but today its just joe straight up comfortable everyday style. in an avocado colored mug that reminds me of friendly old men that always have either some candy or some witty joke that you dont quite understand but brings an appropriate smile while you are laughing ever so honestly. like my great uncle Garland. yes this is his name, and i think it is amazing. actually i think he owns one if not several a mug just like the one i hold right now. actually now that i give it even more thought i might have gotten it while out hopping yard sales with my grandmother her sister and the man himself. huh, bout that.

so, today i acknowledge my heightened need for hot beverages... chocolate (that i made with my grandmother whom deserves a blog devoted to her all herself because she is so utterly amazingly awesome)...and occasionally tea. i usually drink tea when i feel like using words like savour for savor, flavour for flavor, and colour for color. because when i drink tea i think its ever so cool to pretend to be trendy and use british words that mean the same thing but spell check tells me i am spelling them wrong.

i hope you yourself are having a splendid monday. because im enjoying how i yet again forgot that my monday class starts at 2:30 not 2:00 like i keep thinking. thus giving me another thirty minutes of bliss.

1 comment:

Cornucopia of Love said...

High five your granny for me when you get the chance. This hot cocoa and fluff is ballin'.

(ps.- love you)