Wednesday, April 30, 2008

this ones kind of girly

so i decided to take on the task of crocheting myself a shawl. i got this awesome vintage dress a few months ago when i was in savannah with cassie.. and ive not worn it yet. i dont do much that requires a dress. although i suppose dresses arent only for dress required events. so ive got no excuse. except that i didnt have something fun to wear over the tiny straps. so, in the next couple of days i am making myself a shawl!! (because im going to break out the dress for graduation aka a dress required event) its a pretty simple pattern so i think i can do it. i am incredibly excited!! i may also note that i am ridiculously excited that i dont have classes anymore and i can crochet! (its when i make comments like this that karrie refers to me as an old woman, hmph!) this feeling kind of reminds me of when i was a kid and i would read like crazy. i read babysitter club books like it was going out of style when i was thirteen or so (yeah.. what about it?) and thos RL Stine pick your ending books. i would read like three a day. it was that serious. i would wake up, and lay in the bed for an hour reading. and i will not confirm or disconfirm whether or not that was because i knew that getting up meant chores outside waiting on me. ;-) 
anyway the progress after an hour with the shawl: (and its green... of course, it seems like nearly everything i crochet is green) 

its the size of a bandana right now (hey... did you hear that one about why pirates spell bandana with a d? ... because if they didnt, they would be wearing bananas!!!! har har)


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart

I will be found by you

Jeremiah 29:13/14

Monday, April 28, 2008

a day in the downtown.

im thinking of something a friend told me not too long ago...
"anybody can take a pretty picture of a pretty flower"

Saturday, April 26, 2008

carrots and walnuts

who would have thought that slivers of carrots... chunks of walnuts... and sweet raisins would fold together so nicely to make a muffin? well, they do. and i love it. 

im spending this morning ...(okay maybe more like early afternoon) at panera getting to know my new pet computer, and doing some studying... for my last final!!! ladies and gentlemen i am about to be a graduate. of college. !!yay!!  its almost surreal thinking about a life that exists without rediculously expensive textbooks..and tests... and research papers. but it is approaching ever so quickly!

also, like i mentioned earlier... my new pet computer. 
i have been saving up some one dollar bills from my tips each week... and when taxes came in... and with a little help from my amazing parents.. i was able to get a much needed new laptop. mine was good to me for the four years i had it... well with the exception of those times that the hard drive died and when the battery cord decided to join it... it has seen better days. and well.. i joined 'the cult' apparently. ;-) the cult that is mac. for practical reasons they offer a sweet student discount and well... those that know way more about computers than i can ever hope of knowing in my dreams.. assured me it was the best choice. so i dove. im 'one of those people' now.  im not gonna lie... i like it.  Thanks to Marie and Rob for advising me in the ways that are technology. ;-)

Monday, April 21, 2008


Do not say 'I am a youth', because everywhere I send you, you shall go,
And all that I command you, you shall speak.

Jeremiah 1:7

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Peruvian Update!

Okay guys, everything is getting started in a hurry! It is so hard to believe that in just a few weeks I will be a graduate of College! But beyond that, in just a few months I will be headed to Peru!!
This is all so exciting, and there is so much going on. Please, please keep me in your prayers through all of this. I wanted to let you know that I am working toward setting up this blog so it will be a little bit easier to see how things are going.. more news on that to come. And also that I am going to be trying to post more often. With tests and papers and presentations around every corner, by the time school stuff is over with I dont want to even look at a computer screen or book! But I promise to try to be better at it in the near future.

For all you Andersonians... (all 2 of you or so.. haha)
I do have an event coming up this weekend as a fundraiser for Peru!
The Corner Bagel Shop has been oh so kind as to provide the place, and some guy friends of mine are going to be playing music there this Saturday night at 8! The cover charge is $5 (which c'mon.. is like the price of ONE fancy schmancy coffee drink) and all that money goes toward support raising money. So, you should definitely come out and have some fun with us this Saturday (April 12th) !!!

So, that is what is going on right now! Please continue to pray for me, and come out to have some fun this Saturday!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


i have felt a little off lately. i think its stress from so many things that have to get done.. in combination with me probably not getting enough B12 (which is mainly obtained through red meat, but i think you can get through fish and milk too...) in my system lately. i dont usually keep track of how much i am getting but.. im almost willing to bet i havent been getting it in recent weeks. i need to get this checked out. please remind me. i will blow it off.

low B12, or whatever it is i am experiencing these days results in what can best be described as..

a drunk equilibrium.
and a brain that stutters.

thats the best fitting description to my knowledge.