Thursday, April 10, 2008

Peruvian Update!

Okay guys, everything is getting started in a hurry! It is so hard to believe that in just a few weeks I will be a graduate of College! But beyond that, in just a few months I will be headed to Peru!!
This is all so exciting, and there is so much going on. Please, please keep me in your prayers through all of this. I wanted to let you know that I am working toward setting up this blog so it will be a little bit easier to see how things are going.. more news on that to come. And also that I am going to be trying to post more often. With tests and papers and presentations around every corner, by the time school stuff is over with I dont want to even look at a computer screen or book! But I promise to try to be better at it in the near future.

For all you Andersonians... (all 2 of you or so.. haha)
I do have an event coming up this weekend as a fundraiser for Peru!
The Corner Bagel Shop has been oh so kind as to provide the place, and some guy friends of mine are going to be playing music there this Saturday night at 8! The cover charge is $5 (which c'mon.. is like the price of ONE fancy schmancy coffee drink) and all that money goes toward support raising money. So, you should definitely come out and have some fun with us this Saturday (April 12th) !!!

So, that is what is going on right now! Please continue to pray for me, and come out to have some fun this Saturday!!

1 comment:

~marie said...

we'll see you satrday! yay!