and yes i prefer server to waitress.
its taken long enough, but finally im doing what i was hired on at fatz to do in November. i agreed to hostessing since i would be leaving for break in December but its now March!!! last week was unbelievably insane as it was time i had rearranged my schedule so i could go in everyday to train. thankfully they didnt take that as a clue to start scheduling me through the week, that, i dont think i can handle right now. although, if i had read the updated schedule [which i wasnt aware had been posted] i would have worked ten days with two doubles thrown in straight through. they redid the schedule after i looked at it so i wasnt aware that i had to be there.... it was all good though i didnt get in trouble. they knew it was their fault for changing it after it had been posted.
in other news... this past monday was such a good mail day. this past week actually. i mean... really... good job family. monday was like whoa! there is nothing better than walking out of the post office with a package and a few cards. neighbors and friends from church sent me cards this week (three different ones actually) grandma sent me a letter with her cocoa recipe in it [if you dont know what kind of cocoa i am talkinga bout.... you are seriously missing out, like you dont even know] mom sent me sushi plates! and aunt kay sent me cookies!!! it was really a good mail week.
although... the cookies, ha, funny story. they happened to arrive on a day that i/some friends were exploring the realm of fasting. it was our [or at least my] first time and i got to the post office and saw the name... i thought argh... temptation really abounds. i didnt even open it wedensday. well, i mean i opened the box to get the card but i didnt even go near the cookie container. i knew better. speaking of fasting, i really recommend it. it was such an awesome experience. i dont think i can quite describe it. but... it just ... in a sense, heighted my senses. the girls and i got up together and prayed/read Bible/encouraged one another that morning then we fasted breakfast and lunch then got together for some alone time for dinner. it really was an incredible experience. i highly recommend you give it a try. something else that occured to me while we were taking part in it is... you know, just like prayer is a gift from God, so is fasting in a sense. yes its true our body needs some food, but in the US where obesity rates are off the charts, we consume waaayyy more than we need. and its such a privelage to be able to set aside that fleshly desire and instead focus on dependence upon God. if only we thought of God as often as we considered what our next meal was going to be. i know i would be a lot better off. it seems such a privelage to me because... there are so many people in the world that cant afford to skip a meal that they have come by, because they dont know when their next one will be. but thankfully, i have never had to worry about that.
*oh, and ps... please dont think i am trying to advertise our partaking in this challenge. keeping in mind the verse in the Bible about [i cant think of the concordance at the moment can you?] not doing it for attention. which is not what i want to accomplish here, all im saying, is you should try it yo. it will rock your face off.
while i am on the subject, something else that has been really enlightening for me, is something really simple that i had to take a second looks at and think huh... yeah duh that makes sense why didnt i realize it before? i would be talking about kneeling when you pray. seriously. for example, when i first think of knelt down on your knees prayer, i think of an alter call at the end of a sermon during church. but what if we experienced it in the realm of a closed off room while having a serious intimate conversation with God? well... just let me tell you... it was straight up amazing. i gave it a try last week. and really, maybe its just me and its one of those moments when a thought everyone else gets finally dawns on me, but ... i loved it. i have so much trouble concentrating on things anyway and lets just face it, when we pray in our beds before we fall asleep how often do you think you find yourself fallen asleep and woken back up in the next morning before you got to your amens? i mean... im speaking from personal experience here. i know ive done it before. more than once. which im not proud of. but when i set everything aside, and put my knees to the floor... it was such a radically different experience. it really was so much more intimate, and very humbling, not to mention i could concentrate so much better. so... this is another thing i highly recommend for those of you living in the dark as i.
so i happen to run across this picture... hehe... its from the night diana, sophie, and i slept in a car in atlanta outside the REI store, waiting on their scratch and dent sale the next morning. hey, we didnt sleep on the cold concrete okay? [like most others whom were a little more hardcore] we slept in the car, diana made a cocoon in the trunk which she and i slept in and sophie across the front seat. it was quite an experience let me tell you.and..... karrie and i got our tattoos last weekend!!!! it was a blast, we took a couple other friends with us, one of whom was good friends [and recommended] the guy that worked on us. and truthfully... it didnt hurt. it felt like a hard pinch. thats about it.
so one more dance the winds growing stronger
we cant get past the sins of our fathers
they dont, they dont sin as well
and oh my word the seasons are changing
the leaves turn thus rearranged the colors i loved
the only ones i care to see
and oh my stars you dont need a reason
to hop on a train and tell me your leaving
for winter, you might not return
austin crane: sins of our fathers [awesome local artist....check his stuff out you will like]
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