Sunday, April 1, 2007

she gets restless easily

especially with the color.

i logged in and it took me exactly one 1/7 of a split second to decide that the purple layout was overdue a change. but im feeling lazy and just grabbed one up that was premade instead of changing up the colors myself.
kind of like how i am restless with my room. i tried to change around the furniture but i am not sure yet if its working for me or not. theres not enough room for the spare mattress to hang out on the floor, at least comfortably. i can now get onto the loft without lugging my banana colored chair over to use as a stool. or at least thats the plan. i havent tried it yet. i remember when it was in karries room back when we lived in the stringer dorms, i couldnt pull myself up onto her loft, but that may have been just because i was a wee bit afraid of it and its height, i think im past that spot now.

im currently taking a break from being frustrated with course offerings at AU. i had my whole next year planned out for goodness sakes!!! why cant they cater to my needs?! but seriously i sat down and decided what classes i wanted to take to finish out my time here, and now that i get to look at whats offered, its all jumbled up. i dont want to take organizational psychology, its just not appealing to me, and theres only one other psych class being offered that i havent taken [personality psychology] and of course, its time interferes with the lab for the physics class i have to take. oh and oh joy.... i get to wake up every single ridiculous morning for an eight oclock class. im not very pleased about this as you may be able to tell. there goes my goal of getting a bike to ride from our apartment to class each morning, im not seeing bike riding as opposed to extra sleep as the more attractive alternative at the crack of dawn each morning. unless i become radically motivated over the summer.

another thing thats bothering me this evening is that i dont have any music on my computer. this is very frustrating. the radio is getting a bit overdone. well, i felt that way since the first night, but thats beside the point.

looks like overall im feeling pretty pessimistic this evening. but thats okay. because even though i have a lot of work to do tomorrow and im NOT looking forward to it... tomorrow night im going to go over to karries where we will watch teenage mutant ninja turtle movies... why? that we can go see the big screen movie on tuesday duh!!!!

I hope this old train breaks down
then I could take a walk around
and, see what there is to see
time is just a melody
With all the people in the street
walking fast as their feet can take them
I just roll through town
And though my window's got a view
Well the frame I'm looking through
seems to have no concern for now
so for now I

I need this
old train to break down
oh please just
let me please break down
Jack Johnson: Breakdown

1 comment:

~marie said...

well, the good news is you won't have to rearrange that room much longer! only a few more weeks, right?