Tuesday, September 4, 2007

she finds frustration

in the word post office.

if you know me very well you know that i have in the past had issues with the post office. never have i had what i would honestly call a sincerely good encounter with this place of mail distribution. usually due to poor attitudes and the absence of the desire to help the customer in obvious need of i dont know what im doing and why cant you mail a package with duck tape on the box help.

well, today was no such luck for being different. although, i will admit that the fault lies on my own two shoulders. i woke up at the crack of dawn this morning to make sure that i got to the post office at school by 7:30 so i could get some very special small packages into a few unsuspecting mailboxes. i had high hopes of a good experience as the anderson university post officer employees have never let me down in my three and 1/8 years. determined that this experience was going to set the pace of my day i went for the gold, make it there by 7:30? check.

.. and well, they werent open. you can now feel the depressing realization of disappointment in your chest as i did in that moment i imagine. but, it was not their fault at all you see. it was a fault of my own due to my lack of ability to pay attention to detail, well, either that or by very poor memory, both are likely suspects. because right there posted in bold print outside that gray metal 'shield' guarding the post office 'hole'... was a sign with bold print stating the hours of operation... beginning with an 8 and ending with a 30.

i just thought you should know.

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