Monday, May 25, 2009

i love

my students. they are just simply awesome.  i've taught these kids a lot the past months... they are crazy, and they bring out the crazy in me. they are in advanced 4 now... not much more to go! next month someone else gets the joy of hanging out with them learning English for an hour and a half. im a little jealous. but... i will get new students to tell you stories about :)

they posed

so did they, carlos likes to be cheesy

martin definitely posed. hes happier than he looks, i promise.

advanced 4 quote of the day:
context: students are searching for meanings in both english and spanish.. racing even though i told them it wasnt a race.. students looking in the one dictionary.. and asking me questions left and right about meanings.. the asking me to repeat the word in spanish for MY practice in pronunciation. haha
martin: Julie!! arrg...
me: are you speaking pirate right now?
everyone: hahahahahah
martin: wait.. what? no.. arrrg
me: seriously, you arent speaking english or spanish right now martin
 a-r-g aka pirate language
everyone: random laughter.. random pirate noises
martin: a...r...g...u...e.... arrrrggggue
everyone: hahahahahahahahaha

advanced 7:15 pm... i will miss you.

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