Tuesday, June 9, 2009

i'm invited!

meet my friend Keren. miss keren is currently 14 years old and patiently waiting her 15 year birthday party in July. here in peru, turning 15 is celebrated like turning 16 in the states. theres a big party, a pink dress is involved. 

i met keren and her brother isaac in January i believe in one of my conversation classes. they are both awesome people and give me very good reason to believe that their entire family is just as awesome as the two of them. i haven't had the two of them in class since Januray, but they continued taking classes here, and one of the highlights of each of my day is getting to see them as they come into their classes. 

so keren's big 15 is coming up soon, in July. and i am EXCITED that i get to go! the invitation was very nice, and it says specifically "elegante" which then she gave me strict instructions about dressing nicely and wearing a dress but most importantly NOT a PINK dress. because thats what the birthday girl wears. and the birthday girls brother wears a pink tie. to which i will endlessly pick on him for of course. hehe. 

this is going to be fun. im excited. really excited. i will let you know soon (well after July 4th since thats her birthday) how it goes, with pictures of course!

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