Friday, June 26, 2009

Otuzco and... deer jerky?

yesterday we packed up into a van and took about a 2 1/2 hour trip out of Trujillo to Otuzco. SALI classes ended on Wednesday for the June cycle, so we took a little trip out of the city. The ride there was beautiful... sometimes I forget how much I just love the mountains and seeing things that are green, smelling fresh air. These are the things you forget are vital when you live on the corner of one of the busiest intersections in a large city. 

I googled Otuzco before we started our trip.... and... well it may not have been the most thorough search possible but I could not find any information on the town except dates for festivals for saints. 

You know that I have been trying my way with chicken... and recently I tried some cecina (which is a bit like country ham) in a jungle restaurant here in trujillo. So... on our trip when I was greeted with the menu... I thought that my safest bet on the menu was cecina... and oh could i have been more wrong? The cecina was actually more like dried deer meat. And wow did not go over well with my bodiest tolerance for meat. But, well I can say I'm trying. 

One of the gorgeous views along the way

Inside the Catholic church in the Plaza (the main square)

the church from the outside

Cecina (not the normal cecina) 

a classy mountain woman

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